iSquared Learning is a company focused on extending STEM learning (Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths) beyond the traditional classroom. We believe that STEM is our future because it pervades every part of the rapidly changing world around us. We aim to drive passion and excitement for STEM to prepare the next generation with the skills they need to thrive in the upcoming ‘known unknown’.
iSquared Learning specialises in the creation of customised STEM learning programs. Depending on your needs, our programs are delivered through a range of mediums, including but not limited to:
1. Games, activity packs, puzzles
2. Face to face group learning sessions
3. Videos and animation
4. Apps
5. Other educational resources
iSquared Learning is committed to forming partnerships with schools, care centres, corporates and local community groups. If you have an opportunity you would like to discuss or you want to know more please reach out via the ‘get in touch’ page.
Click on some of our programs and initiatives below to find out more.
Homework Club
Brain Gains
Little Big Minds
Careers with Maths, Magazine
Analytics Enablement
STEM Programs and Initiatives
Homework Club
The primacy of Homework Club is to encourage students to build confidence, learn to learn and be intellectually curious, in turn supporting our teachers and building strong partnerships with local schools. Homework Club is designed to assist students with completing school assigned maths homework to a high standard – without all the stress!
Analytics Enablement
iSquared Learning is often engaged by a local small-medium businesses to drive analytics enablement and champion the power of data driven decision making in business.
Careers with Maths, Magazine
Cofounder Talia Elchah is hand picked to feature in the 2017 edition of the ‘Careers with Maths’ magazine to champion careers in maths and promote passion and talent in STEM related skills. Sponsored by Commonwealth Bank Australia and published by Refraction Media, the magazine is issued annually to every high school in Australia and New Zealand.
Little Big Minds
Little People. Big Minds! This program is all about engaging the senses to make maths FUN! The face to face group learning sessions, customised for the Australian school curriculum develop hands-on problem solving skills through play, touch, presentation and discussion. No time limits, no exams, no pressure. The program provides the question, props, and visual aids to get those little big minds fuelling.
Brain Gains
iSquared Learning creates a STEM learning video series teamed with one of Australia’s favourite retailers… COMING SOON!